Statements of Support

The Asian Student Union supports the EC student against racism group. We believe that it is crucial for Earlham to create a diversity inclusive space, to have all people on campus feel secure and respected. When a truly inclusive environment is achieved, Earlham will be a place with diverse representation and a student body that respects and appreciates diversity.

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Black and Lavender is one of Earlham’s newest organizations, and springs from the deep need for safe spaces for Queer Students of Color. This need, just like many on the EC Students Against Racism’s List of Requirements, is one that has existed for a long time, but unfortunately for too long, it went without being attended to. Fortunately, due to the dedication of some student leaders who had the will and ability, they were able to create this space (Black and Lavender), which has helped so many. It’s great that students were able to provide this space of healing and support for their peers, but sadly this is not always the case. Many times it takes much more than the dedication of a few students to bring about necessary change in order to fully support and even the playing field for marginalized groups. In the case we have at hand now, it takes a whole campus community. Black and Lavender not only lends its full support to the movement for structural change pushed for by EC Students Against Racism, but we share these same stakes with the group. We too, are in need of this structural change. We need this, and our campus needs this to be who we say we are, live out our values, and stop harming those we claim to care for. We need this to realize the true potential of Earlham, and we believe wholeheartedly that this institution owes it to itself and all of its parties to move forward swiftly, and devoutly towards this necessary change.
Thank you,
Black and Lavender
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The Earlham College Equestrian Co-operative supports EC Students Against Racism and their mission to address and fix racism and diversity issues at Earlham. We recognize that equestrian sports are typically accessible only to highly privileged individuals. As such, denouncing racism and promoting diversity on campus is absolutely concurrent with our mission to provide access to horses and the equestrian sport to all individuals regardless of their background, socioeconomic or otherwise. The EC Stables Equestrian co-operative aims to welcome participants of all racial, religious, and ethnic groups and all gender and sexual identities. We strive to provide a safe space for all participants and we are proud to stand with EC Students Against Racism.

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We, the members of the Black Men United (BMU) recognize and support the list of requirements put forth by the student body. We recognize EC Students Against Racism and the list as instrumental components in the movement toward structural change. These issues effect the academic and personal lives of our students of color, as we strive to create an environment where, as people of color we can strive for success. These issues manifest in our institutions at Earlham and so many other college campuses around the U.S. With this said we as students will be accountable in the future of our community, and fully support EC Students Against Racism
On behalf of,
Black Men United at Earlham College
Co-Convener Marcaus Cooper

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We, the ladies of Black Ladies United at Earlham, support EC Students Against Racism. As this group continues to fight for the issues of structural racism on the campus of Earlham College we stand in solidarity with them.

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We, the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Movement at Earlham, offer our full support of the current EC students against racism movement on campus as well as the list of requirements published on Monday the 1st of February.We believe that all actions taken against structural racism are legitimate and the institution should be held accountable for its lack of action. As a movement on campus fighting for Palestinian human rights we also see ourselves as asking Earlham to recognize its implication in structural oppression and racism. Part of this is taking responsibility for its actions towards student of color here on campus. Until Justice Prevails.

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To the Board of Trustees and the Senior Staff of Earlham College,
We the members of Earlham College’s dance team, The Earthquakers, would like to acknowledge the efforts of Earlham College Students Against Racism and publicly express our support of the movement. We recognize that structural racism on campus is ever present and is detrimental to our entire community. To ensure that our future as a college continues to adhere to the standards it has set for itself in our Principles and Practices, we urge that the Board of Trustees and senior staff of Earlham College seriously acknowledge and commit towards ensuring that the List of Requirements outlined by EC Students Against Racism comes to fruition. For our team, the Earlham community, and the future of our college, we hope that this letter of support demonstrates our solidarity with our fellow students and the goals the movement will continue to strive for.
With Peace and Love, The Earthquakers

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We, the members of Bodhi house express our support for EC Students Against Racism and their list of requirements urging the college to uphold its commitment to educating and supporting all its students, particularly its students of color. We believe this is an opportunity for the administration and board to reflect the practices of listening and respect which Earlham expects of its students. As Buddhism teaches that all of us are deeply connected to one another, we believe Earlham cannot be the place it wishes to be without practicing compassion in all of its decisions.
We all agree that Earlham must consider the requirements of its students of color if it is to pride itself on values of diversity and respect. We urge the college to take seriously these voices and recognize that Earlham’s future depends most fundamentally on how it responds to the needs of its current students. We ask that Earlham College take earnestly and act on the requirements which EC Students Against Racism have suggested.
Bodhi House
Nicky Sontag, Rebecca Richeimer, Erica DeBruyne, Cori Eckert, Gabriel Penk

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To the Earlham Community,
We, the members of Dance Alloy Steering Committee, wholeheartedly support the efforts of EC Students Against Racism. As representatives of one of the largest student organizations on campus, we acknowledge the need for college-wide structural reform.
Dance is a universal vehicle for expression, as well as an integral tool in social justice movements. In alignment with Earlham College’s Principles and Practices, we strive to build an inclusive and safe environment that fosters support for students of all identities and backgrounds. The work of EC Students Against Racism is crucial and our support of them is necessary to achieve our personal goals in upholding the Principles and Practices. In accordance with this, we commit to supporting EC Students Against Racism now, and in their continuing efforts.
We call upon Earlham College Senior Faculty and Staff, Administration, and Board Members to acknowledge the support of the student body, and to recognize the gravity of the situation and the necessity for structural change on Earlham’s campus.
Dance Alloy Steering Committee

Conveners: Sarah Isenberg and Sadie Zabawa
Steering Committee: Nicolas Archer, Saskia Bailey-de Bruijn, Gerylaine Campos, Meghan Cooper, Alaska Harris, Dan Hoskins, Sidingo Mahlobo, Sonia Norton, Clarice Perryman, Ky-El Sanchez

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Cunningham cultural center is in full support of the Students Against Racism at Earlham. As a house we are all women of color and our intersectional identities should be respected and represented in staff, faculty, and administration. We believe that the students against racism are looking out for our best interest and are a solid group of diverse persons that are looking to uphold Earlham College to its principles and practices as well as its desire to be an inclusive and safe space for all students.

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Earlham Health Collective supports the list of requirements put forward by EC Students Against Racism because it promotes a healthier, and more supported Earlham community. As a student organization, we seek to collectively bring campus to a healthier, more holistic standard of living during semesters-- especially during finals and mid-term times. Earlham Health Collective views racism, and injustice in all forms as detrimental to personal, communal, spiritual and societal health. We stand by EC Students Against Racism and students of color on campus from a wellness and justice perspective, as through promoting awareness and action, EC Students Against Racism is advocating for a healthier and happier Earlham Community.  

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Food Education House fully supports and stands with EC Students Against Racism. We strongly urge the Board of Trustees and Senior Staff at Earlham College to engage with students in a transparent and honest way. Additionally we urge the Board of Trustees and Senior Staff to move swiftly towards upholding our principles and practices by working against the structural violence of our institution. We ask that the Board of Trustees and Senior Staff directly respond and take concrete actions in regards to the List of Requirements put forth by EC Students Against Racism.
Alison Eddy, David Masterson, Eleanor Keats, Fredrik William Lyford, Jack Ventura-Cruess, Malia Paulmier, Siddharth Sudheer

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We, the members of Gurney House, fully support EC Students Against Racism's efforts and actions. Sustainability is not just about the environment--it addresses social, economic, and political issues as well. In order to be sustainable, Earlham must address the social and economic aspects especially with regards to racism on Earlham's campus.
Gurney House - Environmental Sustainability House - Spring 2016
Andy Landy, Sorcha Vaughan, Yeli Garcia, Leila Jacobson, AJ Tiedeman

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To Whom It May Concern:
We, the Earlham Historical Journal, fully support the EC Students Against Racism and their movement towards a campus that is safe and supportive for students of color. We recognize and acknowledge the implications of past and current racial injustices, and affirm that continued personal and systematic microaggressions are not acceptable on this campus. Our fellow members of the Earlham Community are unsupported and unrepresented.  Although Earlham claims to abide by the principles of peace and justice, community, integrity, and respect for persons, Earlham has yet to create a campus that “cultivates an environment of continuous action towards racial equality.” Effective efforts on behalf of the college to make this vision a reality are long overdue.
The Earlham College Historical Journal
Ryan Murphy, faculty advisor, Sonia Norton, co-convener, Tyler Tolman, co-convener, Brandon DiGregorio, Mollie Goldblum, Olivia Hunter, Corey Lunden, Sierra Newby-Smith, Jacob Noble, Soren Rasmussen, Anna Richie

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The List of Requirements put forth by Earlham College Students Against Racism is a good reminder of the values we should hold ourselves, each other, and our school accountable to. Foster House supports this movement and reiterates the call for prompt and substantial action from the Administration. Our house hopes that through this, Earlham will foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels safe and supported.
Foster House

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The students of German House fully support the list of requirements and changes proposed by EC Students Against Racism, and stand in solidarity with Earlham students of color.
Elise Thompson, Maximilian Juch, Ian Haines, Rose Copley

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The History Club of Earlham College supports the mission of EC Students Against Racism. We believe their goals will create a positive change and space for the college, students, faculty, and staff.
Sierra Newby-Smith and Jacob Noble
History Club conveners

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We, Jay house, support and affirm The List of Requirements Concerning Students of Color released Monday, February 1st, 2016. We believe in actions against structural and interpersonal inequalities, and stand by the movement as a whole. As a queer community that understands the intersectionality of inequality, we acknowledge that there will be no justice or peace until this institution is restructured to fully support and care for all members. Earlham College must be held accountable for these restructuring efforts which effect all bodies in order to safeguard the future of this institution and what it stands for.
Jay House (LGBT Studies) Spring 2016
Mandisa Marks, Jane Tierney, Meg Rose, Anthony Re, Peter Oberg, Liz Anderson, Tara Urner

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We, the students of Interfaith House, express our full support of the EC Students of Color Against Racism Movement and the List of Requirements they have produced. The movement has highlighted both, the ways in which Earlham perpetuates systematic racial injustice, and many solutions to combat it. Thus, we believe that implementing the List of Requirements will lead to an Earlham Community that is better prepared to support its diverse student body, and will make Earlham become worthy of its reputation as one of the most diverse Colleges in the United States.
Interfaith House
Corey Lunden, Lidia Lichtiger, Chloe Woodard, Elizabeth Kempinski, Kobe  Panin and Alejandra Traslosheros

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The International Student Coalition (ISC), which represents the international student body at Earlham, fully supports EC Students Against Racism and is expressing firm solidarity and full participation towards the cause. People of color and international students are both oppressed by intertwined systems of discrimination and exclusion, which the List of Requirements is in response to. The administration must be held accountable. It is imperative that the administration takes seriously the List of Requirements and listens to the students of color’s urgencies, as it is their responsibility.

-The International Student Coalition

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We, La Maison Française, French and Francophone studies department theme house, offer our full support of the current EC students against racism movement on campus as well as the list of requirements published on Monday the 1st of February. We believe any action taken against structural racism is legitimate and the institution should be held accountable for its own lack of action. It is imperative that Earlham recognize its inherent implication in structural oppression and racism in addition to its active perpetuation of these structures and their effects. As a theme house linked to an academic department, we understand that there is an undeniable responsibility for the specific academic sector of this institution (in which we are implicated) to recognize its particular role in the perpetuation of such structures of institutionalized racism in academia.

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We, the student residents of Miller Farm, affirm and support the goals, Requirements, actions, and existence of the EC Students Against Racism Steering Committee. As a student organization founded in, and still informed by, the practice of student leadership and autonomy, we view the stated goal of the Steering Committee to be fully in line with both our values, and the values of Earlham as a whole. Systemic racism and white supremacy are deeply ingrained in Earlham, and we wish to hold the Earlham administration and wider community to a higher standard, and join our voices in the call for the Requirements to be carried out. To that end, we commit to providing support to EC Students Against Racism, be it via our time, our spaces, our considerable physical resources (carpentry equipment, etc), our alumni connections, and the presence of our (largely white) bodies. We call upon the Earlham administration, Board of Trustees, and community to live out our Principles and Practices and commit to the necessary anti-racism work at Earlham.
The Farmers
Bri Cody, Bailey Howard, Mary Pearl Ivy, Claudia Kelley, Imani Lewis-Norelle, Joe Memory, Lara Miller, Hannah Munro, Caleb Smith

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To whom it may concern,
As the conveners of the Earlham College Model United Nations Club, we would like to demonstrate our support to the EC Students Against Racism, who have organized and are leading our campus with the goal to ensure that the issues of structural racism are taken seriously by the administration. We share the values and demands that the student-leaders are promoting and pushing forward. We believe that it is the responsibility of the Earlham College Administration to be accountable in front of their students and peruse the solvation of this problem as their number one priority. Ignoring this issue is inhumane and representative of white supremacy and oppression.  
Thank you!
Maryia Pupko and Shatha Sbeta
On behalf of the ECMUN

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Outdoors Club’s Statement of Support
As a club whose activities have historically been practiced by people of privilege and primarily “white” demographics, we feel that the concerns brought up by the EC Students Against Racism movement resonate with the mission and values of our club. We envision an Earlham community that fully supports students of color and cultivates an environment of self-sustaining action, energy, and passion towards racial, social, gender, and human equity. We endorse community-based institutional change that will allow all community members to thrive at Earlham and beyond.

Steering Committee Members
Melody Che, Lily Fishleder, Cora Johnson, Erin Lewis, Adam Light (faculty advisor), Abby McCullough, Ai Lena Tomioka
*We speak on behalf of the club mission, not necessarily every individual club member

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To whom this may concern,
We, the members of the Student Athletic Advisory Committee (S.A.A.C.) recognize and support the list of requirements put forth by the student body. We understand that the issues put before us are evident by the lack of diversity amongst our peers in respect to athletics and the institution as a whole. These issues affect our academic and athletic production as we struggle to create an environment where, we as student-athletes, can strive for success. We see these issues being reflected by a decline in recruiting numbers, athletic production, interdepartmental support; as well as a lack in event attendance, community inclusion, and athletic campus awareness. With attention to academics, it's difficult to build cohesive groups, particularly with other student-athletes who understand our range of responsibility coupled with the demands of trying to excel at Earlham as our presence on campus is lacking.

On behalf of,
The members of S.A.A.C.
HCAC Vice President Marcaus Cooper

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We, the Women's Rugby team at Earlham, are in full support of the group EC Students Against Racism. We urge that Earlham's administration be held accountable for their commitment and responsibility to diversity, peace, and justice. It is imperative that the whole of Earlham recognizes its roles in structural racism and work together as a community to help dismantle these practices.
Love and Light,
EC Women's Rugby Spring 2016

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We, SEL (Sociedad de Estudiantes Latin@s), as representatives of Earlham’s Latin@/Latin American student community express our support of  the List of Requirements Concerning Students of Color. Members of SEL have directly participated in the creation of this document, which we consider an expression of our voices. We are directly affected by all that is being asked by the List of Requirements, and we plan to move forward in full support and action with the EC Students Against Racism Committee. We would like for the administration to listen to student grievances, and to take actions in order to overcome structural racism and discrimination that is present in this institution, as this will directly affect our community.

We acknowledge David Dawson’s statement recognizing our demands, but we want to stress that key demands of the List of Requirements have not been fully recognized. Although we value that diversity training will be implemented, we will continue to push for the Administration to pay attention and seriously consider the remaining requirements.

We have spoken with the constituents of the Latino community, and we all agree that complying with the List of Requirements will generate many benefits, including strengthened retention and inclusion. We will take steps to collaborate with faculty and staff to begin evaluating the benefits, strengths and avenues for feasibility of the Requirements.

Most importantly, we hope to stress our tremendous concern with the path the college is taking, as it forgets our principles and practices, excluding values such as peace and justice, community and respect for persons. This perpetuates structural injustices that make students vulnerable. Ultimately, all of this jeopardizes Earlham’s nationally-renowned reputation as an inclusive institution, thus preventing us from accurately representing our beloved alma matter to the wider public as an institution that values diversity.
SEL Steering Committee 2016

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We, as members of Casa Hispana, fully support and agree with the changes that are being requested through the List of Requirements posed by EC Students Against Racism. As a house that serves the Latin@ community on campus, we believe that the college must begin to dismantle its practices of institutional racism and work towards creating an environment that is fully inclusive for its students and faculty or color.
The members of Casa Hispana

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The students of Rose City Coffee Co op support and affirm The List of Requirements Concerning Students of Color released Monday, February First, 2016. We believe in actions against structural and interpersonal inequalities, and stand by the movement as a whole.

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As a community that is based on Quaker values, we do not believe that Earlham College is living up to its Principles and Practices. For Earlham to live up to the values that it claims to uphold it must support and listen to the student body, the EC Students Against Racism movement and the list of requirements.
Quaker House:
Dan Hoskins, Elisabeth Sorrows, Katherine Sorrows, Jonathan Birkel, Castilleja Olmsted, Jack Angelone, Sierra Newby-Smith

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Spectrum would like to express its support for "EC Students Against Racism" in their movement to make the campus a better place for the diverse student body at Earlham. We commend the efforts that this group has put in to make the struggles of students of color on campus widely known and to have these concerns acknowledged by the administration. Going forward, we are fully committed to assisting this group in its future endeavors to make the campus a safer and more supportive environment for students of color, as well as other minority student populations.

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We, the Students for Peace and Justice in Palestine at Earlham, are offering our full support to the current EC Students Against Racism Movement. We also endorse the list of requirements published on February the 1st. We believe that this movement is necessary to address and resist structural racism on campus. As a student organization that represents a marginalized group as a result of Israeli illegal occupation and colonialism driven by racism, we believe that Earlham has failed to recognize its own role in perpetuating structural oppression and racism on campus and Palestine. The administration should be held accountable for its lack of action taken against structural racism and misrepresentation of students of color on campus.

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The Womyn’s Center supports EC Students Against Racism and their List of Requirements .We recognize the importance of empowering and supporting students of color. The Womyn’s Center will support any actions that the EC Student Against Racism decides to take.
The Womyn’s Center

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We support ‪#‎ECStudentsAgainstRacism‬ and advocate for the List of Requirements to be implemented. We hope to support the student body in maintaining pressure until action is taken.

Politics House

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To whom it may concern,
Students for a Free Tibet is an organization created to call for Tibetan independence and the end of the forceful occupation and oppression of Tibet. Students for a Free Tibet at Earlham is in support of the "List of Requirements" released by EC Students Against Racism. We give our whole support to the movement and the change and principles that it promotes. We look forward to working alongside this movement to make Earlham a place where students of color have the tools and resources necessary to best fulfill their potential for success.

Students for a Free Tibet

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Music House is a residential student space on campus that fosters musical performance and collaboration across Earlham's campus.   Music House supports EC Students Against Racism and the list of requirements the organization has put forth asking for structural change at Earlham. For Earlham College to hold specific principles and practices such as Respect for Persons and Community, aligning themselves with the students of color and anti-racist efforts on campus speak these values into existence.

Music House
Adam Finn, Allie Eykholt, Chehana Samarawickreme, Jack Okker-Edging, Grace Jencks, Eric Nicholson, Lily Ni-Hong Fishleder, Fiona Clark, Brandon DiGregorio, Amirah Fadhlina

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We, the members of New Measures, fully support EC Students Against Racism and their vision for a more racially equitable and just Earlham College. We recognize that the institution has routinely failed to support our community members of color, and as a student group we are committed to assisting in efforts to create a safer and more supportive campus.
Grace Jencks, Kasey Gerencer, Corey Lunden, Siri Alexander, Kaitlin Morgan, Rose Commins, Lara Khalifeh, Mary Laidlaw, Kelly Remo, Leticia Maganga, Sarah Bean, Jane Tierney, Yunjoo Shin, Eleanor Hinkle, Idara Udo-Inyang

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The Black Student Union at Earlham College has a historic legacy of supporting Black communities on this campus. Our presence has been imperative for the development, sustainability, and thriving of these communities. Because of these commitments to the vitality and care of Earlham’s Black students, we not only fully support the movement of EC Students Against Racism, but we find it essential, and absolutely necessary. The issues borne by this collective are as historic as our legacy, and it is due time that they be appropriately, adequately and comprehensively addressed with all of the strength and capacity of Earlham College.
In great hope and expectation,
The Black Student Union

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Dear friends,
We, The Quaker Fellows of Earlham, support and affirm the requirements released by the EC Students against Racism Steering Committee. We believe that Earlham College, as a Quaker institutions, has a responsibility to hear student voices and act upon their concerns so that we may better embody the Quaker values that this school is founded upon. We believe Earlham must acknowledge and change its pattern of allowing systemic racism to threaten the safety of the students and people of color on our campus. We call upon Earlham to uphold its Quaker values in responding to the needs and requirements of the people of colour within our community.
In the light,
Quaker Fellows

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We, Earlham Student Government 2016 members, acknowledge the work and the effort that the Earlham College Students Against Racism have put to bring a change that nurtures and serves the diversity that we all embody. They have facilitated multiple meetings, met with different constituencies, strategized and consolidated a document outlining nine steps to move forward. Based on their work and guided by our principles and practices, we endorse the list of requirements that Earlham College Students Against Racism have provided the community, with keeping our provision on the deadlines of number three and five.

Peace and Love,
ESG 2016

1 comment:

  1. Great post to look for a student residence near these cities because we want to get some rooms for our students, thanks!
